quarta-feira, abril 06, 2011


Read the following text written by Jacquie Mccarnan and answer the questions on the right.

Usually when you read an article about anorexia and bulimia it's pretty depressing. There are stats about how many people have the disease, how many people don't report it, how many new cases there are, how many girls (and boys too) worry about their weight, how much power the media has on body image...whew!
This article is going to be a bit different.
The image above covers most of the prevalent numbers in the eating disorder realm. Not too many people are completely in the dark about Eating Disorders (ED) anymore. In the last 20 years the amount of information and awareness of ED has improved to the point where almost everyone, in the western world, has heard of Anorexia and Bulimia (and their lesser recognized cousins, Binge Eating and Excessive Exercise).
Most often articles on ED focus on these numbers. The ones in the image. The devastating reach of the disease.
We feel that there are far too few articles, movies and Facebook pages that focus on recovery and optimism.
The reality of an ED is that people who have one are society’s most ardent followers. They see what western civilization views as "perfect" and they strive to fulfil that requirement. Sometimes they are so successful that they are actually killing themselves to meet the demand for perfection.
The film, No Numbers - Identity Beyond Measure, acknowledges these people in a way that no other film has. It examines the reasons why so many young people find themselves struggling with an eating disorder but it goes far beyond that to examine the roads to recovery.
As much as we would love this film to help people to learn to love themselves the way they are, we are targeting those people that are suffering now. Some are doing it alone, with no support and no treatment. Some likely believe that they are successful at meeting society’s expectations.
We want them to see that they do not have to live up to some randomly, media-driven model of perfection. We want to show them how "perfect" comes in a million packages and that finding their way starts with that first step, the step towards self-acceptance.
February is Eating Disorder Awareness Month all over North America and the UK. Throughout the month our goal is to have the film No Numbers - Identity Beyond Measure screened in as many places as possible.

A) Say who or what the underlined words in the text refer to.

B) Match the equivalents.
1. depressing
2. stats
3. prevalent
4. support
5. consciousness
6. less significant
a. lesser
b. disappointing
c. help
d. statistics
e. common
f. awareness

C) Explain the meaning of:
1. Not too many people are completely in the dark about Eating Disorders.
2. […] and their lesser recognized cousins, Binge Eating and Excessive Exercise.

D) Questions about the text.
1. According to the author of the text there aren’t resources that show how to recover and how to be optimistic. Quote from the text a sentence that illustrates this statement.
2. What’s the first step to recovery?
3. Which film does the author of this text suggest us to see?
4. What is the film about?

E) Topics for answer.
1. How critical are you of your body?
2. How far would you go to change how you look?
3. What are the dangers of going on eating binges and then vomiting?
4. What would you do if a friend of yours had an eating disorder?

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1. (UF-MG) Em todas as alternativas, o termo em negrito exerce a função de sujeito, exceto em: a) Quem sabe de que será capaz a mulher de...